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Martin A.

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Martin A. last won the day on April 18 2011

Martin A. had the most liked content!

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  • IP.Board Version
    IPB 4.x.x

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy Birthday m4rtin!

  2. The original issue this topic was opened for has been resolved :) Or there has been no response. If your still having trouble please open a new topic.
  3. $form is not a global variable, and is therefor not available in other methods and classes than the one you are working in. $form is not sent to the parent method, and it's redefined (overwritten) in the parent method, so wouldn't work if it did. You can either define it in the skin file, or run temporarily save it to the cache. $IPBHTML .= <<<HTML; <-- other form elements --> HTML; $form['value'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('value', ( isset($this->request['value']) AND $this->request['value'] ) ? $this->request['value'] : $forum['value'] ); $IPBHTML .= <<<HTML; <li> <label>My Text?<span class='desctext'>My description.</span></label> {$form['value']} </li> Or save to cache: public function forumForm( $type='edit', $changetype=0 ) { $myForm = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('value', ( isset($this->request['value']) AND $this->request['value'] ) ? $this->request['value'] : $forum['value'] ); $this->cache->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'myFormData', $myForm ); return parent::forumForm( $type, $changetype ); } Now you can use "$this->caches['myFormData']" in the skin to print the form.
  4. Create a core file instead, and place all "global" methods in there (methods that are used by both files). Ex.: file1.php/file2.php require_once( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'hooks/coreHooknameMethods.php' ); $coreMethods = new coreHooknameMethods( $this->registry ); $someData = $coreMethods->globalMethod(); coreHooknameMethods.php class coreHooknameMethods { public function __construct( $registry ) { $this->registry = $registry; } public function globalMethod() { return "This is global information"; } } You obviously replace "Hookname" in the file- and classname with the name of your hook. If this doesn't work out for you, explain this a bit more in depth.
  5. Use phpMyAdmin, and export the table(s) you're using. Then, uncheck the one that exports the data, and uncheck all boxes in the structure field ("Add IF MOT EXISTS", add quotes, etc). When you export it, you'll only see the structure. Remove the ENGINE() part of it, since IPB add that automatically, acording yo what you're default engine is, and your prefix.
  6. If they're saved as (myApp_)contact_language.php, that would explain it all. The syntax for the file name is; (appKey)_(admin|public)_(module|section|w/e).php
  7. Weah iz tze zhoutbox?

  8. Looks good Michael :) Especially the front page!
  9. Use the build in search feature in your ACP, and serch for "minify" (if it works, tho). If not, it's located in System Settings > System > CPU Saving & Optimization > Minify Javascript
  10. Waiting. Still need some stuff worked out before we can upgrade. Mainly Tutorials and a ticket system, and two/three personal/unique apps. And I'm going on a 4 week vacation in two weeks, so don't plan to do any upgrades till mid-September.
  11. I hate packing up a IBP3 mod for release. So damn many directories to make. Not a big fan of timezones either...
  12. Hammerfest, Norway http://bit.ly/hZbgg And 4 times bigger than Norway :P
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