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MrOneCall of FGN

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Posts posted by MrOneCall of FGN

  1. He is, just come back here to report if anything is going wrong

    But to be honest and from a person who already runs 4.2 Beta 4

    I would wait for each of his apps and plugins to be updated......

    I waited for his updates, and so far all works fluently with 4.2...but this is AFTER @Michael has updated the app you use!

  2. This is just a suggestion! I know you will come back to Videos app later.

    The suggestion for future update is......

    Any way you could implement the url for YouTube Gaming to be able to be displayed...but also make it be the actual url of the persons streaming page....so that means that the owner of the app and server goes into the adminCP and makes a category for this called "YT Gaming Streams" and members only post their YT Stream url. Then when you see the post from the page, you will see either the live stream at that time, or you will see "Off Line"

    the member never has to post a new post cause the post is integrated with youtube and the live stream channel.......in another word, as soon as the member goes live on YouTube, it auto shows on server videos app...then when they stop, it shows in the video app

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