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Gary Cornell

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Gary Cornell last won the day on October 14 2014

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About Gary Cornell

  • Birthday 02/08/1968

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  • IP.Board Version
    IPB 3.2.x

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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Server Administration and security. Love PHP.
    Rock and Roll, Concerts, Beaching it, travel, and women who know how to laugh.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. File Name: devCU Additional Topics Sideblock File Submitter: Gary Cornell File Submitted: 01 Aug 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook adds another sideblock to your forum for listing the X latest topics in a forum or forums. Nice for those who want to display topics from specific forums only like support forums or site news forums or even if you have a welcome forum for new members. Features: - Define number of latest topics to display - Name the sideblock title whatever you want - Define which spcific forums to display Changelog 1.0.0 >> 1.0.1 Updated settings to fix bad interaction with (SOS33) IPS Recent topics enhancement Added file edit for new class autonomy Click here to download this file
  2. Slight issue with hide content app was reported and will be corrected in next release but if you are using this in conjunction with that app heres a quick fix. Issue: Hide Content not refreshing due to attachments fix we added. Seems to actually be an issue with hide content removing all tags upon refresh. In Templates >> Topic View >> ajaxThanksJS Find at the very bottom: // Update post content for hide hack if ( t.responseJSON['post'] != "" ) new Effect.Pulsate( thankersBox, { pulses: 3, duration: 1.5 } ); } } } ); } </script> And replace with this: // Update post content for hide hack if ( t.responseJSON['post'] != "" ) { // Editless attempt to reach the post content var postDivider = $( 'post_id_' + pid ).children[1].children[2].children[1]; postDivider.innerHTML = t.responseJSON['post']; new Effect.Pulsate( postDivider, { duration: 1.5, pulses: 3 } ); } new Effect.Pulsate( thankersBox, { pulses: 3, duration: 1.5 } ); } } } ); } </script> Hope to correct the issue in follow up release 2.2.1 This mod is in active development Report bugs or submit feature requests here: http://www.devcu.com/forums/tracker/project-1-ipb-33x-devcu-ajax-thanks/
  3. Version 1.0.1


    This hook adds another sideblock to your forum for listing the X latest topics in a forum or forums. Nice for those who want to display topics from specific forums only like support forums or site news forums or even if you have a welcome forum for new members. Features: - Define number of latest topics to display - Name the sideblock title whatever you want - Define which spcific forums to display Changelog 1.0.0 >> 1.0.1 Updated settings to fix bad interaction with (SOS33) IPS Recent topics enhancement Added file edit for new class autonomy
  4. File Name: devCU Profile Tab for (DP33) Referrals System [3.3.x] File Submitter: Gary Cornell File Submitted: 21 Jul 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This application adds the referrals tab in a members public profile for the (DP33) Referrals System Shows the members that this user has referred/invited in profile image format or extended table format. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Two view settings - Classic and Extended Classic View Extended View Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    This application adds the referrals tab in a members public profile for the (DP33) Referrals System Shows the members that this user has referred/invited in profile image format or extended table format. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Two view settings - Classic and Extended Classic View Extended View
  6. File Name: devCU Ajax Thanks [iPB 3.3x] File Submitter: Gary Cornell File Submitted: 15 Jul 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This modification adds the ability for members to thank posters via Ajax. It keeps track of the number of times each member has been thanked and displays it in each post. It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries to the Topic View. It can automatically collapse the thankers if the list is too long. Additional features: Options thank count auto collapse cutom thanks images (TB) Hide Content functionality Shows members thanks given in profile Based on the work of Elad Nava for IPB 3.2x, devCU has taken over the development with permission. This modification is in full active development, new functions/features are planned and being added so please check back for updates. Feature requests are welcomed at devCU. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For Guaranteed clean and proper versions please download from devCU Website Directly This version adds new features and skin button fixes (2.1 >> 2.2): - Adds 1 new template, 1 new hook, 1 new database row New Features - Can now be installed over previous version without uninstall - Group Color/Formatting in Thankers List - Custom Thanks/Unthanks Image Option in Settings - Adds Times User Thanked in Public Profile Bug Fixes - Fixed attachment error upon thanks with Hide Content enabled - Fixed smilies/image issue with thanks Support Updates - Further (TB) Hide Content Hack 3.x Compatibility (See Step 4 of documentation) - Added IPBforumskins Spectrum Skin Button Fix (See Step 5 of documentation) - Minor Code Cleanups/Optimizing. Licensed - Licensed under DevCU Public License (DCUPL) Rev 21 Support, Feature Requests, and Open Source Code devCU Home http://www.devcu.com Projects Code Repository http://www.devcu.net DO NOT post issues at the site you are downloading this from cause I wont get them. Post bugs, feature requests, and issues at the devCU Dev Home Currently in development for next release 2.2.1 - Update script to pull serial array for thanks given table - This will be included in the next release and will not effect any thanks given totals up to that point. Sorry couldnt get this in to this release but its been a real pain in the ass if you know what I mean. Features - Mobile skin ajaxThanks inclusion - Show thanks given in topic view - Improved Group Formatting - devCU Btracker integration - devCU ForumsX integration Proposed Feature (With Hide Content Only) - IP. Downloads integration (thanks in order to download files) Click here to download this file
  7. Version 2.2


    This modification adds the ability for members to thank posters via Ajax. It keeps track of the number of times each member has been thanked and displays it in each post. It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries to the Topic View. It can automatically collapse the thankers if the list is too long. Additional features: Options thank count auto collapse cutom thanks images (TB) Hide Content functionality Shows members thanks given in profile Based on the work of Elad Nava for IPB 3.2x, devCU has taken over the development with permission. This modification is in full active development, new functions/features are planned and being added so please check back for updates. Feature requests are welcomed at devCU. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For Guaranteed clean and proper versions please download from devCU Website Directly This version adds new features and skin button fixes (2.1 >> 2.2): - Adds 1 new template, 1 new hook, 1 new database row New Features - Can now be installed over previous version without uninstall - Group Color/Formatting in Thankers List - Custom Thanks/Unthanks Image Option in Settings - Adds Times User Thanked in Public Profile Bug Fixes - Fixed attachment error upon thanks with Hide Content enabled - Fixed smilies/image issue with thanks Support Updates - Further (TB) Hide Content Hack 3.x Compatibility (See Step 4 of documentation) - Added IPBforumskins Spectrum Skin Button Fix (See Step 5 of documentation) - Minor Code Cleanups/Optimizing. Licensed - Licensed under DevCU Public License (DCUPL) Rev 21 Support, Feature Requests, and Open Source Code devCU Home http://www.devcu.com Projects Code Repository http://www.devcu.net DO NOT post issues at the site you are downloading this from cause I wont get them. Post bugs, feature requests, and issues at the devCU Dev Home Currently in development for next release 2.2.1 - Update script to pull serial array for thanks given table - This will be included in the next release and will not effect any thanks given totals up to that point. Sorry couldnt get this in to this release but its been a real pain in the ass if you know what I mean. Features - Mobile skin ajaxThanks inclusion - Show thanks given in topic view - Improved Group Formatting - devCU Btracker integration - devCU ForumsX integration Proposed Feature (With Hide Content Only) - IP. Downloads integration (thanks in order to download files)
  8. File Name: devCU Profile Points for (M33) Donation Tracker File Submitter: Gary Cornell File Submitted: 10 Jul 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This simple hook adds the reward point count in a members public profile for the (M33) Donation Tracker It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Data Row Setup NOTE: The Donation Tracker does not add the points row into the database, this must be done manually. Also as far as I can tell the points system isnt working properly, at least on my board. You may be required to add the points manually until a fix is released. This modification is in full active development, new functions/features are planned and being added so please check back for updates. Feature requests are welcomed Click here to download this file
  9. If using the donation tracker along with this mod then you may want to name your points row to something else for instance 'ref_points' as the donation tracker uses the points row for its rewards system.
  10. Version 1.0


    This simple hook adds the reward point count in a members public profile for the (M33) Donation Tracker It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Data Row Setup NOTE: The Donation Tracker does not add the points row into the database, this must be done manually. Also as far as I can tell the points system isnt working properly, at least on my board. You may be required to add the points manually until a fix is released. This modification is in full active development, new functions/features are planned and being added so please check back for updates. Feature requests are welcomed
  11. File Name: devCU Profile Points for (DP33) Referrals System v1.0 File Submitter: Gary Cornell File Submitted: 02 Jul 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This simple hook adds the reward point count in a members public profile for the (DP33) Referrals System It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Data Row Setup In active development, new feature requests and support at devcu.com Click here to download this file
  12. Just coding all night in this heat!

  13. Version 1.0


    This simple hook adds the reward point count in a members public profile for the (DP33) Referrals System It is very light-weight and adds no additional queries. Features: Turn on and off in profiles Data Row Setup In active development, new feature requests and support at devcu.com
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