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  • Dropdown menu not working in Collections/Garage as Admin

    • Fixed IP.Board Version: IP.Board 4.3.x


    it looks like all DropDown menu buttons aren't working if I'm on "my vehicles" and in a certain vehicle in my Garage. And when logged in as administrator. I tested it as standard user - works as intended.


    working in my vehicles -> List all:



    Not working inside one of my 3 vehicles






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    On 5/4/2018 at 8:07 AM, z1000forum said:

    I'll give you access if you need it.

    Please provide acp login details and will look. I've had a few other reports of this but so far I've been unable to reproduce.

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    Hi Michael,

    it looks like the bug is fixed with vehicles. But the same drop down mishap is in vehicle->modifications section. I'm not able to use the drop down after I have added a picture to a modification. At a modification without pictures it is working as admin, aswell as normal member.


    Maybe it is a different bug, feel free to split the topics.

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    Manual Patch:

    Open acp > theme editor > collections > front > view > modification


        				<ul class='ipsClearfix' data-role="carouselItems">
        					{{foreach $modification->images() as $id => $image}}
        						<li class='ipsCarousel_item ipsPad_half'>
        							<span style="background-image: url( {file="$image->thumb_location" extension="collections_ItemImages"} )" class="ipsThumb ipsThumb_medium ipsThumb_bg ipsCursor_pointer" data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group="modification_{$modification->mod_id}" data-fullURL="{file="$image->url" extension="collections_ItemImages"}">
        								<img src="{file="$image->thumb_location" extension="collections_ItemImages"}" alt="" {{if $modification->thumbnail == $image->thumb_location}}itemprop='image'{{endif}}>

    Replace With:

                        <div class='ipsCarousel_inner'>
                            <ul class='ipsClearfix' data-role="carouselItems">
                                {{foreach $modification->images() as $id => $image}}
                                    <li class='ipsCarousel_item ipsPad_half'>
                                        <span style="background-image: url( {file="$image->thumb_location" extension="collections_ItemImages"} )" class="ipsThumb ipsThumb_medium ipsThumb_bg ipsCursor_pointer" data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group="modification_{$modification->mod_id}" data-fullURL="{file="$image->url" extension="collections_ItemImages"}">
                                            <img src="{file="$image->thumb_location" extension="collections_ItemImages"}" alt="" {{if $modification->thumbnail == $image->thumb_location}}itemprop='image'{{endif}}>


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    Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Fixed = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the next version.

    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


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