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Everything posted by ArpSofttt

  1. Seams to be working. The only tricky part is because while still entering e-mail, ip.b says that address is available... so that must of confused me because i was expecting that, when somebody enters an e-mail that's on black list, my ip.b would automatically display a notice that Email is blocked... Anyway, when user hits Register button, then it produces an error that e-mail is not allowed...
  2. Here is the thing. I am getting some users which are registering via those 10 Minute Email services, so I want to block that specific domain so that anybody who tries to register with emails that ends with @pjjkp.com wouldn't be allowed to do so... So, i know where can i add email ban filters i've tried adding those in order to block emails that ends up with @pjjkp.com but it doesn't work... Here is what i've tried to enter as ban filters @pjjkp.com *@*pjjkp.com *@pjjkp.com and after adding those, users are still able to register with @pjjkp.com addresses... So, please, if anybody can tell me how can i block that...
  3. Never mind, i found it finally, under the User Group Management Settings... :)
  4. I've looked everywhere, all over my admin cp in order to find setting which allows me to chage max. photo upload size (for user profile) but i can't find it... only thing that i can find is to change max. file size for avatars, but not for photos... where the hell can i change this??? default is only 50KB, and it's not enough...
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