IPB (IP.Board) Products | DevFuse

Products using the following tag: plugin

Product Name Price

Announcement Enhancements v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Add enhancement to the announcements feature. Show only to members who have or have not purchased selected packages, how many days since a member joined and select custom background and text colors for each announcement.


Auto Lock Topics v1.1.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Automatically lock topics by multiple filter types including last post date, number of posts, author etc... Optionally add a post reply to topics once locked.


Auto Merge Exclusions v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Allow selected forums and/or groups to be excluded from the auto post merging setting.


Blogs Mass Moderation v1.0.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Apply mass moderation actions entry category or set feature images for multiple blog entries.


Bulk Mail Our Picks v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Choose which promoted items you want to display in the "Our Picks" section of bulk emails. Select either the specific items or limit the number of latest our picks to show.


Custom Profile v1.2.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Set custom profile urls or profile pictures. With the option to disable direct access to the internal profile.


Days Quit 1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Allows members to track their quit day for various things like alcohol or smoking. Displayed when posting new replies, they can view the amount of money they saved and the number of days since their last quit date.


Deal Topics v1.2.3 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Allow members to share deals/bargains using topics. Set a normal/msrp price, deal price and a link where to purchase.


Download Post Images v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin adds a download button to any attachment images you have uploaded in your posts. Control who can use this and what forums this works in.


Downloads FTP Mirror v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Have download records mirrored in the background on another ftp server. Set a limit on the size or age of a file that will be mirrored and allow remote files to be downloaded through your server.


Enhanced Status Updates Widget v1.3.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Adds status replies and add reply support to the "Recent Status Updates" widget with support for both rich text, reactions and pagination.


Expire PM Attachments v1.2.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Removes old PM attachments with the ability to send a warning PM X days before removal.


Expired Purchase Followup v1.1.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Send followup personal messages after a Commerce purchase has expired. Send up to 5 followups with options for which day to send, pm author, title and message with quick tag support.


External Links v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Control how external links are displayed in posts, including the ability to add a url prefix to external links.


Followed Content Sorting v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Add sort options to a members manage followed content table. Standard support for topics and forums and additional support for other applications with content items or containers.


Forum Moderators v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Add a list of a forums moderators to the bottom of moderated forums.


Forum Status v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Set an "active" and "inactive" status for forums and allow members to toggle the forums homepage display for either status. Set forums to exclude and which member groups can access.


Friendly Number Format v1.3.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Replace the unfriendly numbers throughout your forums with friendly versions. For example 12,416 becomes 12.4k and 1,165,156 becomes 1.2m.


Geolocation Currency v1.0.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Automatically load a members currency within the Commerce app using the IPS geo-location feature.


Hide Product Categories v1.1.3 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Hide Commerce product categories and associated products from the store homepage, making it only accessible with a direct link.


Lazy Load Videos v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin speeds up load times by replacing supported video embeds (YouTube) with preview images. Users can then view the video by clicking the preview image and the embed will load like normal via javascript.


Limit Emoticons Allowed v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Limit the number of emoticons allowed in new topics and posts.


Live Topics v1.3.5 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin automatically adds new posts by other members into the topic while viewing the topic. Overriding the default flash message with options for how often and how long new posts should be checked for.


Mark Topic Prefix v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Allow members to quickly choose from a global list of prefixes to add to topics. Set which forums are supported, which member groups can mark all topics and if marking locks a topic.


Moderate Updated Content v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin hides/unapproves content after a member edits it. Set what kind of content will require moderation again and which forums they are in. As well as which groups can bypass moderation.


Profile Fields Group Change v1.1.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Set a custom primary member group during signup based on selected profile fields.


Purchase Goal v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Sidebar widget to display total spending in Commerce application against a purchase goal. Set a base as well as flex goals, summary of recent purchases and reset progress from selected date.


Recent Purchases v1.2.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Sidebar widget to display recent purchases in the Commerce application. Set how many you want to list, from which date and allow members to make either their purchase or amount anonymous.


Reported Content Search v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Adds search options to the reported content area in the moderator cp. Search by report author, reported member or report text.


Secondary Group Display v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Display a members secondary groups in select locations throughout the forum. Including topic, hovercard and profile view. Select which secondary groups display and the order in which they display.


Secondary Group Formatting v1.1.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Format members usernames using their secondary groups. For example adding a dollar sign ($) in front of members username with a "Donors" secondary group.


SortBy Most Reactions v1.1.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Sort a forums topics by the most reactions it has received. Select which forums or member groups support reaction counts.


Text Adverts v1.1.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Setup text based advertisements that allow members or admins to setup text only adverts. Set character limits or custom expiration dates.


Top Customers v1.1.1 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Sidebar widget to display top spending customers in the Commerce application. Set how many you want to list and calculate from a selected date.


Topic Episode Format v1.2.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin adds tv episode formatting to new topics with the ability to set the season, episode and air date.


Topic Header v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Display a summary of topic details at the top of every topic. Including first and last poster, views, number of attachments and who posted in the topic.


Unique Profile Fields v1.2.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

This plugin allows you to select which custom profile fields require unique value/content when members edit their profiles. So that multiple members can not have the same profile field value.


Video Widget v1.1.0 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Quickly add video widgets with embed support, description and link to a topic for discussion. Supports internal IP.Board oEmbed video sites.


Who Followed Permissions v1.2.2 (IP.Board 4.7.x)

Set which member groups can view who followed content and which content types they can view as well. Optionally display or hide the who followed badge counter.


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