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(M34) Guest Message


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File Name: (M34) Guest Message

File Submitter: Michael

File Submitted: 23 Jun 2011

File Category: IP.Board Modifications


Author: Michael John (DevFuse)
Description: Add a message only viewable to guests explaining the benefits of registration to guests.

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2ze9ngh.jpg 53qo7q.png 2r7m3v9.png 2lkwa4w.jpg 24wfq0z.png


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  • 2 months later...
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If you edit the hook.xml file provided in the zip.



if( !$this->settings['gm_enable'] OR $this->memberData['member_id'] )
return FALSE;




if( $this->request['app'] == 'portal' )
return FALSE;


Save the hook.xml file and re-import it.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...
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I just installed Guest Message and I just want it to display above the forums but when it is enabled it always creates a sidebar even when sidebar is disabled in the hook options.


If a hook adds a sidebar block, it opens the sidebar block up regardless if hook is displaying or not. Not much I can do on my end. You'll need to edit your hook and remove the "guestMessageSidebar" file.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, thanks for this hook ! It's very usefull.


How can i desactivate Guest Message for Ip.Content. I try content, Content, Ip.content but nothing works. Any idea ?


Edit : Sorry i find it :P Just put ccs

Edited by Cedrict
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  • 6 months later...

Hello Michael,


Recently I added guest message hook into my site, and I found a problem with mobile skin (with my main default skin works perfectly). I attach an image of the error generated when browsing the site with mobile skin.




Now the hook is disabled because I had to do it.


Also, I am adding the bits from guestMessage (mobile skin) 

<div class='master_list' id='guest_message'>

     <div class='row post line_spacing'>

            <!-- Removal of copyrights without permission is illegal and prohibited. Copyright must be viewable to the naked eye unless copyright removal purchased. -->
            <if test="!$this->settings['devfuse_copy_num_free']">
                 <div class='ipsType_smaller desc lighter right'>Guest Message by <a href='http://www.devfuse.com/' title='View DevFuse home page'>DevFuse</a></div>

There's a way of fix it or at least disable guestMessage in mobile skin?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Michael,

Guest message is really great and works well on the default IP skin and I really like the ability to have Sign in and Create account buttons as immediate and obvious actions which the the guest can take.


I have noticed however that the Sign in and Create account buttons are not present on the default mobile skin but (personally I have no need for Facebook login).  Is it possible to have these add?


Best regards,


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I have noticed however that the Sign in and Create account buttons are not present on the default mobile skin but (personally I have no need for Facebook login).  Is it possible to have these add?


I haven't tested this on my mobile but this should at least add the buttons. If the styling is off, let me know and we can adjust the position of the buttons.


Open Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > IP.Board Mobile > guestMessage





          <div class='ipsPad right'><a href='{parse url="app=core&module=global&section=login" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['sign_in']}' id='sign_in_gm' class='button'>{$this->lang->words['sign_in']}</a><br /><br /><a href="{parse url="app=core&module=global&section=register" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['register']}' id='register_link' class='button'>{$this->lang->words['register']}</a>                    


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  • 3 months later...

For the life of me I can't get "Guest Message" to activate. I import the hook.xml and it appears to install. I go into "Manage Hooks" and the entry is there. I go into the "DevFuse" tab and it shows 8 settings. I go into "Guest Message" and it says it's enabled. Nothing on the front page. I've removed and installed, same result?


I've got the Pulse theme installed, but I've toggled back to the default IP.Board theme with the same result.


IPB: 3.4.6

Guest Message 2.0.0

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For the life of me I can't get "Guest Message" to activate. I import the hook.xml and it appears to install. I go into "Manage Hooks" and the entry is there. I go into the "DevFuse" tab and it shows 8 settings. I go into "Guest Message" and it says it's enabled. Nothing on the front page. I've removed and installed, same result?


I've got the Pulse theme installed, but I've toggled back to the default IP.Board theme with the same result.


IPB: 3.4.6

Guest Message 2.0.0


Sorry, all fixed. Stupib newbie mistake...

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