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Friendly Number Format v1.2.0

Square Wheels

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I'm on 4.6.  It seems that most numbers are now "shortened" and I really don't like it.  Under the member name in posts, yours currently says 4.4k.  If I go to your profile, I see 4,375.  That's what I want to see everywhere.

In my image above, my forum has 1.1m posts.  I don't know where to go to see the real count, but I don't want to see 1.1m, I want to see 1,134,577 (or whatever the count is).

Does this app do that?  If yes, does it work with 4.6?


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I've just released an update for this plugin with a new IP.Board 4.6.x specific option to disable friendly number formatting system wide. It will still work with previous IP.Board 4.5 or earlier versions but for new versions will now offer an option to disable friendly formatting.



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