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Iron Head

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Posts posted by Iron Head

  1. File Name: Article BBCode

    File Submitter: Iron Head

    File Submitted: 19 Jun 2012

    File Category: IP.Board Modifications


    It is expected that when articles are marked with the < article> tag, this will make the HTML code cleaner because it will reduce the need to use < div> tags. Also, probably search engines will put more weight on the text inside the <article > tag as compared to the contents on the other parts of the page.


    By : Invisionpowerboardsupport.ir


    Click here to download this file

  2. I don't know about this system so i just ask here,


    Can people subscribe to the news in sidebar of forums? Did you develop any blocks for IP.CCS? how about IP.SEO? Can we connect this mod to calender mod for special events?


    That's all for now

  3. For what kind of purpose ? Do you want to use raw html in 'about me' ? or something else ?


    That user group must have permission to post HTML. It's dangerous dude !

    'about me' >Go to :

    Admin CP > Members > Member Groups > Manage User Groups > [CHOOSE ONE] > Global || Can post HTML? YES ||



    i'm aiming towards enabling the custom fields for html use

    sweat.gif you want to use HTML only for CUSTOM FIELDS ? If 'yes' You don't need to enable HTML at all !


    Go to :

    Admin CP > Members > Manage Custom Profile Fields

    In 'Topic View Format' you can use HTML



    Also you can add more groups for profile fields "Manage Custom Profile Field Groups"

    If you want to show it only in profile , you can't. You need a mod/hook.


  4. File Name: (BS) B@latarin | Cl00b Share link files

    File Submitter: Iron Head

    File Submitted: 19 Feb 2011

    File Category: IP.Board Modifications


    Add New Share Link Services in The End of Forums.




    NOTE: I don't have any account on 'Balatarin' so i released as beta.





    +About title : Since "BALATARIN" blocked by government of Iran, I change it to 'B@latarin'.... Sorry for trouble.







    Click here to download this file

  5. File Name: (BS) Text Spoiler - 2 version

    File Submitter: Iron Head

    File Submitted: 18 Feb 2011

    File Category: IP.Board Modifications


    Joshua thanks for your feedback. After receiving your opinion, I made this BBcode.





    Hover version of Simple Text Spoiler - Both versions included in this package !-





    Simple text spoiler.xml => Please view the "Simple Text Spoiler-Preview.png"


    (BS) Text Spoiler - Hover version.xml => Please view the "(BS)Text Spoiler Hover-Preview.PNG"




    Click here to download this file

  6. Hello,


    You shouldn't upload "all pieces to their prescribed areas" basically, you just upload the archive file to your host and extract it.

    Can you provide this information, please ?


    1. What mod/application you want to install ?

    2. Whats your version of your IP.Board? 3.1.0~4 ?

    3. Can you use this in your website or not ?

    http://www. YOUR IP BOARD .com/admin/upgrade



    Well, that's all for now.

  7. sorry but .... how can you translate this mods if you aren't customer?

    When someone send me a copy of script to translate. I'm not owner of codes buddy.

    :)) sorry mate, But the most amusing question is why my members need donation tracker when Paypal banned my country.

  8. lol, Unforchantly I'm not your customer so I can't be rewarded, but my users asked me to translate your mods . I will grateful dude If you help me about this problem => LINK


    Most of your free mods are attached to the core files of IP.board so I don't have any option to export it from word pack.


    Here is my road map :

    1.Contact System | Released

    2. News System | Released as request by one of my member - now in Devfuse - I also reported a mistake in the script of system.

    3. Global Messages | Released as request by one of my member - now in Devfuse

    4. Donation Tracker | 85%

    5. Time slip System | 20%



    Here my website : Main | Forums

  9. I'm looking for a mod/hook that'll allow my forum members to opt in their own user title via user CP [?]


    Admin CP > Members > Member Groups > Manage User Groups > User Group Management > [select your User group] > Group Formatting Prefix

    <span style='color:red'><img src='http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/594/awardstargold3.png'>

    Group Formatting Suffix


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