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Everything posted by z1000forum

  1. Hi Michael, I unintentionally added a modification to a vehicle, that I'm not the owner of. Is it correct that any member can add modifications to any vehicle in the garage/collection? Regards Toralf
  2. Hi Michael, it looks like the bug is fixed with vehicles. But the same drop down mishap is in vehicle->modifications section. I'm not able to use the drop down after I have added a picture to a modification. At a modification without pictures it is working as admin, aswell as normal member. Maybe it is a different bug, feel free to split the topics.
  3. It doesn't work in any vehicle view of our users as admin.
  4. Hi, it looks like all DropDown menu buttons aren't working if I'm on "my vehicles" and in a certain vehicle in my Garage. And when logged in as administrator. I tested it as standard user - works as intended. working in my vehicles -> List all: Not working inside one of my 3 vehicles Regards Toralf
  5. no problem. i can also download it here...
  6. 1. yes there is one, to keep it in a german saying: i had tomatoes on my eyes ;) 2. yes youre right, i purchased all 3 apps (garage/contact system and calendar topics) here on this platform with lifetime license. would be great if they are also accessable in IPS marketplace.
  7. Hey Michael, you mentioned that the current Contact System customers get automatic upgrade to Form Manager. But there is no Form Manager download in my Client Section. By the way, is it possible to enable the purchase in the IP Marketplace, so i can download and update it there? http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4129-m33-form-manager/
  8. Found a language error: "Can view Garaage System while offline" VNC (filtering in the last year, have 3 entries in last week) is still not working for me - it only generates one garage query, this one: SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ipb_garages_list v LEFT JOIN ipb_profile_friends friend ON ( friend.friends_member_id=v.member_id AND friend.friends_friend_id=1 ) WHERE v.date_added > 1337467988
  9. File Name: Garage System (Autocomplete) File Submitter: z1000forum File Submitted: 14 May 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook adds autocompletion for following fields for the garage system: Vehicle Form Make Model (will be filtered by Make, if entered) Color Modification Form Modification Name (will be filtered by selected Category) Features: Autocomplete feature when entering things No template edits Custom settings Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System Click here to download this file
  10. Version v1.1.0


    This hook adds autocompletion for following fields for the garage system: Vehicle Form Make Model (will be filtered by Make, if entered) Color Modification Form Modification Name (will be filtered by selected Category) Features: Autocomplete feature when entering things No template edits Custom settings Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System
  11. File Name: Garage System (Extended Vehicle Stats) File Submitter: z1000forum File Submitted: 08 May 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook adds statistics for the sum of vehicle makes, vehicle models and vehicle model/years. Also a vehicle list by odometer is provided. Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: Garage System (UIP Vehicle Link) File Submitter: z1000forum File Submitted: 07 May 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook displays the member's vehicles in the UIP custom fields area. Features: Direct link for every member's vehicle Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System Click here to download this file
  13. Version v1.0.0


    This hook adds statistics for the sum of vehicle makes, vehicle models and vehicle model/years. Also a vehicle list by odometer is provided. Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System
  14. Version v1.0.0


    This hook displays the member's vehicles in the UIP custom fields area. Features: Direct link for every member's vehicle Installation instructions: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Don't have Garage System? --> Download now: Garage System
  15. yes thats right, but it only sends the conversation to my email. so i will check if your hook works an 3.2 and if not try to fix it. thank you anyway.
  16. Garage System :w00t: :thumbsup: :D Is there a 3.2 version of "PM Print / Download" ? Couldn't find it in your list.
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