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Everything posted by najaru

  1. maybe you have to adjust the top=150 value ;)
  2. i have find a very simple method in global template you add 4 <br> just before secondary nav, like this <br> <br> <br> <br> <div id='secondary_nav'> <ul id='breadcrumb' class='left'> <php>$this->did_first = 0;</php> and after in ipb_style change #user_navigation in this: #user_navigation { background: trasparent; font-size: 0.9em; position: absolute; width: 284px; top: 150px; left: 10px; float: left; z-index: 9999; } more easy, but the user block aspact is not modified, only position ;) i have made this for the iarcade official skin
  3. I'm curious....... why the name DevFuse? :) Dev=developper?.....
  4. yes, but this is just a fast try...... but to make this there are 1 big template modification and 1 big css modification......... did you think that is very interesting?
  5. You mean something like this? Do not look at the details, because the distances are not good
  6. thank michael. very important for me, because i have the sidebar too high compared at forum list ;)
  7. the problem with the picture is that the row will be too high..... and maybe not good. this afternoon i will try this modification ;)
  8. a ok thank sorry. and this dont work? maybe sacred has upgrade it.....
  9. do you use miniTutorial? the official support is on http://www.ipbegypt.com/ , you can have a solution for your probblem. did the content of tutorial is very short? see the error......
  10. i think that this is a paid mod, and you cannot redistribuite it.
  11. i think that you need a specific mod, and i think that dont exist
  12. yes, can be interestin for video system and garage system
  13. if you have purchased normally you are in constumer group and you have access at specific session for paid mod support .......
  14. it's not difficult move it. a little bit difficult is redefine the css to display correctly ;) you want just to replicate the clean cut skin, in the standard skin? (without member photo?)
  15. I think that many admins and members might appreciate a system like this The system should allow the user to enter an appointment in her "private calendar" and at set time he may have a notification mail (if he is in line could have pop-up window that warns) edit: sorry i have posted in wrong section
  16. work perfectly thanks. ant for the recents topics?
  17. Hi i want to set only 3 new status upgrade in sidebar hook, and not 10. it is possible?
  18. I have made a complete italian translation. but i have used letters
  19. Name: Just for test 2, after we can delete 2 Category: Funny Videos Date Added: 23 June 2010 - 05:06 PM Submitter: najaru Short Description: Just for test 2, after we can delete 2 Just for test 2, after we can delete 2 View Video
  20. Name: Just for test, after we can delete Category: Funny Videos Date Added: 23 June 2010 - 04:57 PM Submitter: najaru Short Description: Just for test, after we can delete Just for test, after we can delete View Video
  21. Hi Little problem, when i clic on Multiquote button it reply immediatly (like a reply button) it make this in all skins...... solutions?
  22. I try to ask, but i think that there is non solutin without a mod...... I want to enable for each user, the possibilities to entry a personal adsense cose, and display in post. I have try to make a personal profil field, or to enable html (only for admin) in signature, but is not possible, because i think that javascript are not permitted...... no solution? thanks for reponse
  23. yes michael, thanks. i dont want shoutbox in my forum ;)
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