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Everything posted by najaru

  1. but with the default skin work good?
  2. http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/2670-ipoints-system-302/
  3. :) also I did not know that if you assign a group tat is not Supermod it will not be listed......
  4. try to put 1 user (of this second NOT GLOBAL MODERATOR) as moderator of a specific forum. and after verify if you see this user in moderator team
  5. i cannot find solution :( today has been released this product http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3377-pin-member-list-manipulator-v104/
  6. i have 3.1.2 normally in moderator team are displayed: -all grup that have Is Super Moderator (can moderate everywhere)? in group setting -all user that moderate minimum 1 forum. are you sure that yours moderator's user are ALSO set as specific forum moderator?
  7. hi rahul normally moderator team is displayed, not only the globlal mod
  8. yes , but i dont know the variable for the key field i will see
  9. maybe with a <if> , but you have to insert this code more time in the template.......
  10. impossible. because each field is called in a "foreach" loop. and you can not explose the loop
  11. 1. Look & Feel > 2. Manage Skin Sets & Templates > 3. Manage Templates YOUR SKIN template globaltemplate userinfopane first make a backup of all this code template find this: <if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != """> <foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data"> <foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field"> <if test="$field != ''"> <li> {$field} </li> </if> </foreach> </foreach> </if> cut it, and past it where you see the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (a little above) <li><a href='{parse url="app=gallery&module=user&section=user&user={$author['member_id']}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_gallery']}'>{parse replacement="gallery_link"}</a></li> </if> </ul> </if> </div> <ul class='user_fields'> <li> <span class='ft'>{$this->lang->words['m_group']}</span> <span class='fc'>{$author['_group_formatted']}</span> </li> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <if test="ismember:|:$author['member_id']"> <li> <span class='ft'>{$this->lang->words['m_posts']}</span> <span class='fc'>{parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</span>
  12. to make this you have to made a hard template modification, and all custom fiel will be deplaced. you want this? il will try if yes
  13. Hello michael you're back from holiday? you rested? fun? :)
  14. in acp, 1. Members > 2. Manage Custom Profile Fields you move up and down the rows;) see attached
  15. contact me with mp if you are interested
  16. in ipb_style.css find .post_body .post and change line-height: to (for example) 250%
  17. why you dont install all your paid products here? maybe interesting for user to test all feature......
  18. post per day for all users?
  19. there is a new version for 3.1.x http://forum.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1225
  20. via ftp (filezilla or other) see the instructions Step 1: Upload Files Upload the files in the upload folder. Remember to keep the structure intact! UPLOAD IN FORUM'S ROOT Step 2: Import the Hook File Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open.
  21. normally all files and folders that you have in upload folder of package, have to be uploaded in your forum's root is the same procedure like all other IPS applications ;)
  22. i have a lot of non installed apps in my Manage application and module (see attachement) how can i delete all this? thanks
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