File Name: BBCODE google translate
File Submitter: najaru
File Submitted: 13 Apr 2011
File Category: IP.Board Modifications
This BBCodes will allow insert a text with a different style, and google translate logo.
You have to click to bbcode, and after write text between 2 bbcode tag .
Click here to download this file
This BBCodes will allow insert a text with a different style, and google translate logo.
You have to click to bbcode, and after write text between 2 bbcode tag .
File Name: BBcode aname & ref
File Submitter: najaru
File Submitted: 10 Apr 2011
File Category: IP.Board Modifications
This 2 BBCodes will allow users to make aname links in posts or in topic. You have to use the both bbcode.
[arefname=destination1]Title 1 in index[/arefname] .
. .
.. . [anamedest=destination1]Title of destination[/anamedest]
You have to use the same name option destination1 in both code.
Click here to download this file
This 2 BBCodes will allow users to make aname links in posts or in topic. You have to use the both bbcode.
[arefname=destination1]Title 1 in index[/arefname] .
. .
.. . [anamedest=destination1]Title of destination[/anamedest]
You have to use the same name option destination1 in both code.
now the config path is require_once( "conf_global.php" );
if i put my file in forums/folder1 how i have to modify my require_once( "conf_global.php" ); ?