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  • IP.Board Version
    IPB 2.3.x

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  1. Any idea when you are going to start on 'Moderator Action Alert'?
  2. Well there are these clases that are built in IPB, just like i said in my first post: .left{ float:left; } .right{ float:right; } So you can use this: <div> //container <div class="navigation left"></div> //navigation <div class="content right"></div> // content </div> Then just use some css rules for .navigation and .content: .navigation{ width:20%; } .content{ width:80%; }
  3. Simple way is to do this: <div> //container <div style="float:left;width:20%"></div> //navigation <div style="float:right;width:80%"></div> // content </div> Im using inline css just to show you how it can be done. You can use built in class "left" and "right" which add's float left and right.
  4. Hey michael! Do you plan to upgrade Moderator Action Alert v1.1.0? That is one of top 5 mod's on my forum that i really really need and without which i just can not plan upgrading my forum to IPB3... :)
  5. You can do that with IPB portal... :) acp->look & feel->edit template html->ipb portal->csite_skeleton_template that is like index.html that you have now... :D it is much logical to use this then to have seperate html/css/etc... :o here is mine new home page which will be finnished very soon: http://www.crtaci.info/index.php?act=home simple but it really helps to use ipb portal(or any other portal mod for ibp hehe)... :)
  6. Well the best thing you can do for your self is to see what you really need. If all you need is that one extra home page, i would really sugest usging IPB Portal... ;)
  7. More than enough for browsing, downloading, youtube, etc... :D At least for me... I remember like 5 years ago, when i had 256/128 i was like woooow, i downloaded entire south park and futurama(9 dvd's) with that speed, sooo this 1mb is just great for everything... hahaha... :lol:
  8. I think that 1mb is all you need, when you get more then 1mb you get kind a greedy and always want more... So then if you have 5mb you want 6mb, and so on... :lol: now that is a fact, so even that i can get faster net, i don want to... :P Except mybe faster upload... :lol:
  9. Im more then happy with this... :P
  10. Uff... I have no idea what are you talking about... :huh: Ajde probaj na na
  11. lol... youve got it wrong... main difference is dropping php 4, so now for ipb3 you need php5 which brings a lot of stuff. i think everywhere i read that modders are happy about that hooks (or whats it called) system which will make modding much easyer. so i do belive that ipb 3 will be much much better and easyer to manipulate then ipb2.3.x
  12. Viva is the best :) this personas thingy could be really really good if they improve it a little bit... ;)
  13. I voted for other, i wont be upgrading until every mod i have and use now is upgraded for IPB3 :) most of time i will have to wait for tera to upgrade couse i have so many his mods... hehe...
  14. 1st one to post bug in tracker ^_^
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