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  1. @Michael I changed it and cleared the cache but there is a bug :/ "%s"
  2. Can we add a shrink / enlarge option like forum categories OR can anyone choose their own settings to see in the user setting section? (Would you like to see the block? And How many vehicles etc.) Thanks. I added it to the error area as we are talking here
  3. It seems yes, did u upgrade the app? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7330-portal/
  4. Hi @Michael for Collection; Should we switch from v2.2.0 to v2.2.1? If yes, how, manually or via Admin panel?
  5. My situation was as follows; I just saw this: "no_new_modifications" In the modified block flow on the home page for example and there really were no mods
  6. Hi @Michael The issue still exist :(
  7. This is how we solved the problem with the "member age" developer.
  8. IP.Board version 4.5.4 Before the app After the app It did not go to the bottom line and left a space. How can we fix it? Thanks @Michael
  9. Here is the similar problem. @Michael Thanks
  10. still there right ? how can we fix in the 4.5 ver. thanks. @Michael
  11. I am waiting for it to enter the marketplace for the purchase.
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