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[USRF]Sledge last won the day on August 15 2019

[USRF]Sledge had the most liked content!

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    IPB 4.x.x

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  1. Well, not my preference of course, but I'm sure we can arrange something if really required
  2. Hi Michael, just saw the banner above the website and wish you and your family all the best!
  3. Hey Michael, this issue has arisen again in the latest version. Can't get it to work to either create a topic and/or append to an topic.
  4. All sorted with some re-coding from @Michael. Big kudo's for this free plugin, but even bigger kuddo's for the support!
  5. Okay, I disabled everything and started over from scratch, enabled the topic settings one by one. Surprisingly the mod now does post a new topic (with myself as topic starter). But adding a post to an existing topic is still a no go. But there is some progress. Tried to add a post to both https as http (http will be forwarded to https). Tried both with and without trailing slash on the url.
  6. Yes Yes Yes (it is myself) Above question are kind of supported by my previous posted screenies. The Mod works for email and PM, but not for a topic reply. I can't see any reason. Is there any more info I can supply you with to debug? Thanks again.
  7. Enabled email and PM welcome too, without luck [update] and those are working!! https://screenshots.firefox.com/MyHqJJT4ztdwfxAk/www.dampforum.nu Bad thing is we like to get a post in a topic (new topic is not working either). Any ideas?
  8. Thank you for your reply Michael! We've got v2.5.0 installed. No errors, no nothing. Made some screenshots for you (1 month available from now) https://screenshots.firefox.com/0R3ADsSAk1dIxV5R/www.dampforum.nu https://screenshots.firefox.com/Vko1N3xfFpsdeOgx/www.dampforum.nu https://screenshots.firefox.com/lkr1vF9iYtXwgAU1/www.dampforum.nu https://screenshots.firefox.com/UYxtzVXN3IrVRW4K/www.dampforum.nu Basic and straight forward as you can see. Just because you suggested, I signed up a dummy user from separate browser, no errors (level 2) showing.
  9. Hey @Michael, I read great stories about this plugin, but never got it to work. Not on ips 4.1.x and not on 4.2.x Installation works well, but if I try to post a welcome nothing happens ...ever ... (tried a lot over time by now) Any clues? Any additional info you want from me?
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