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    Michael reacted to media in I was upgrading IPB 4.7.2 I got this   
    Well they did an unexpected move, LOCKED the video app nobody was expecting that move...
    That was a disaster move..
    Then they come up with IPB and unlocked the Video app and everything was fine...
    Anyway, all fine right now...
  2. Like
    Michael got a reaction from media in Error   
    Yeah the loaded hooks helps troubleshoot but the issue appears to be with the Calendar app, were you able to resolve this?
  3. Like
    Michael reacted to kev collins in Error when trying to show forms   
    Thank you for your work, so quick.
  4. Like
    Michael got a reaction from Drew Dowdell in Receipts from Purchases   
    Thank you for reporting, fixed now.
  5. Like
    Michael got a reaction from Drew Dowdell in Receipts from Purchases   
    Changed Status to Fixed
  6. Like
    Michael got a reaction from TiMnZb in PayPal IPN stopped working?   
    Can you open a support ticket with admin login details so I can check over your settings quickly?
  7. Like
    Michael got a reaction from lanc3lot in Widget limit   
    I've updated the patch to include another edit.
  8. Thanks
    Michael reacted to SMG in Donations Overloading Front Dispatcher   
    Yeah it wasn't the issue, but it was an observation by Matt. Just thought I would pass it on.
  9. Like
    Michael got a reaction from icechieff in can't change FURL   
    I apologies for the delay, I believe you've got a ticket opened for this, I'll reply soon once I've found a solution.
  10. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from Genesis3DX in Video permissions   
    I'm just logging another bug report for another problem. I'm sorry for the delay on the ticket, I should have a patch soon.
  11. Like
    Michael got a reaction from GoGators in Error when adding multiple Featured Videos   
    Changed Status to Fixed
  12. Like
    Michael got a reaction from bosss in PHP 7.4   
    I will patch this when I do the IPB 4.6 update at the same time.
  13. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in Profile information   
    You can change the hook position in applications/collections/hooks/collectionsTopicView.php
    If you check the other hook for what position it hooks into, you can then adjust the collections app to do the same. Let me know if you need further help.
  14. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in After moving button   
    Thanks for reporting.
  15. Like
    Michael got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in Missing word-key in widgets   
    I didn't release any updates for this. But will include this next update.
  16. Thanks
    Michael reacted to eptefal in Repeating pictures   
    Hi Michael,
    It is working fine now! Thanks for the quick help!
    Happy New Year!

  17. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from Back in Basic Points in userBar hovercard bring them out   
    Noted for next release.
  18. Like
    Michael got a reaction from MrFierceGod in Video Container broke? Rows misaligned   
    Was there anything else done? I just added a few dozen videos quickly and increased the setting but can't reproduce this still.
  19. Like
    Michael got a reaction from ImpartialGeek in Members can still upload videos   
    I'll confirm still as it really should check the group permission at the same time.
  20. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from haqzore in Field sort order when adding item does not follow ACP sort order.   
    Both for the new item form and item display as well? Could you send me an export of your "collections_fields_admin" database table?
  21. Like
    Michael got a reaction from hellreturn in Beta Bugs   
    2. Top donors should have support for automatic reset or a filter for current goals.
  22. Like
    Michael got a reaction from media in Main Page Embeded Video viewing not counted in total view?   
    Changed Status to Fixed
  23. Thanks
    Michael got a reaction from GameGrunge in Form rule color selection   
    @GameGrunge Just confirming this as an IPB4 bug. The next Forms update won't be far away and when you update. The css files should be inserted correctly.
  24. Like
    Michael got a reaction from media in Main Page Embeded Video viewing not counted in total view?   
    Changed Status to Pending
  25. Thanks
    Michael reacted to media in Main Page Embeded Video viewing not counted in total view?   
    You forgot to add this again... :)
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