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  1. Could someone help me convert this over to the IP.Board style SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE id >= (SELECT FLOOR( MAX(id) * RAND()) FROM `test` ) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 to $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'test', 'where' => 'id >= (SELECT FLOOR( MAX(id) * RAND()) FROM `test` )', 'limit' => array( 0, 5 ) ) ); The bottom code doesn't work, but I need to convert the query above to work with the bottom one. Thanks in advance! -owner
  2. What is the proper way to code FURLs with an application that I am making. Do I use this method (I am not trying to show a forum. Do I use the public way?) 'showforum' => array( 'app' => 'forums', 'allowRedirect' => 1, 'out' => array( '#showforum=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'forum/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ), 'in' => array( 'regex' => "#/forum/(\d+?)-#i", 'matches' => array( array( 'showforum', '$1' ) ) ) ), Or this method (PublicWithApp way): 'testurl' => array( 'app' => 'test', 'allowRedirect' => 1, 'out' => array( '/app=test(?:&|&)module=testmod(?:&|&)do=testing123(?:&|&)myvar=(.+?)(&|$)/i', 'test/myvar/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ), 'in' => array( 'regex' => "#/test/myvar/(.+?)(/|$)#i", 'matches' => array( array( 'app' , 'test' ), array( 'module' , 'testmod' ), array( 'section' , 'testmod' ), array( 'do' , 'testing123' ), array( 'myvar' , '$1' ), ) ) ), -Owner
  3. I am having some trouble with regex code to match a url Here is what I have: localhost/forum/testapp/(.+?)/([0-9]+)(/|$) How can I make it so that the second / and after is all optional? I am trying to grab 2 variables from the url, but am not sure how to make it so the second one is optional. Thanks! -owner
  4. I am working on my Application installer for a project, but I am at a stop with the templates mymod_root_templates.xml file. The problem I am getting is this: Inside of my <template_content> </template_content> tags I have nested <![CDATA[ tags to prevent javascript. <template_content><![CDATA[<br /> Some crazy html that is totally xhtml valid because xhtml is great practice :D Then comes the error below D: <br /> {parse js_module="editor"} <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ {parse template="editorJS" group="editors" params=""} //]]> </script> ]]> So now the installer crashes due to that tag. How can I get around this? -Owner
  5. Sent you a PM with the hook source attached.
  6. You should put the little triangle in the second one, might look cool. But I do like the second logo better.
  7. Nothing. I think it is the php file that is wrong. Should I be using something else than return?
  8. Ok I got it working, but for some reason I cant see it saying test on the page or in the source code of the page. If I use echo "test"; I can see it displayed at the top of my page though. Do I need to use something special to output it?
  9. Looks like someone took economics class :) Totally agree with you. For users that think things should be free, sure, lets say he got a free computer, free software, etc. but like he states above, he spent a few hours of his life work on this for you. How is it fair that he gave up that time without anything else in return? Just my opinion on how I viewed the post above, but yea, +1 for that post :) -owner
  10. First, sorry to ask so many questions, I feel like I am spamming the site :( I am trying to start my first hook, and just for a test, I would like to display something in the footer of my board right before </body> tag. I just don't quite understand the hook_data and hooks_source tags under the hookfiles tag. How do I code to hook to place the code in certain spots. Not sure if this makes sense, if it doesn't let me know, Thanks in advance! -owner
  11. I am having a bit of logic issues with regex lol So here is my url: localhost/test/search/term-A/ Now, I also want to be able to search for this too: localhost/test/search/term-0-9/ How do I check for the bottom one along with the top one? Here is what I am using right now: 'regex' => "#/test/search/term-(.+?)(-?)(.+?)#i", This doesn't work, but that is kind of what I am looking for. Thanks in advance! -owner
  12. I am using IP.Board 3.0.2 lol Edit: Fixed #2, but still am not sure about #1. Thanks in advance! -Owner
  13. I have a few questions here. 1. When I upload my images and use the code to show my attachments, I would like guests to be able to view certain images. Is there a way to make it so guests can see certain attachments, over others? 2. When I use the code to show my attachment, I don't want the thumbnails, I want to show the picture itself at it's bigger size (yes scaled images is fine, but I dont want to click on it to use the thumbnail viewer) Is this possible? Thank you very much, this site is super helpful :D -owner
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