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Some PORTAL questions


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Hi there.


A newbie here, after 8 years with phpBB.


I have some portal questions.


1. What do I do to shorten the topics in portal, to like 10 rows, instead of showing the full topic? A long topic really destroys the portal, if you dont shorten it. Then you can add a link like "View full" to it.

2. How do I control the blocks on the right side in the forum and in the portal. Some are in both, some not. How do I do?



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I assume your using the IPB default portal? If so:


1. Which area are you referring to?

2. The portal layout can be controlled via the template bit. In Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Portal > skeletonTemplate. Each block will have it's own tag that you need to move around, e.g. here is the online users block.



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I assume your using the IPB default portal? If so:


1. Which area are you referring to?

I am talking about the mainpage of the portal. In my case: http://euro-rap.com/forum/index.php?app=portal


You see that there are some lost thopics there. And it ruins the portal looks. I have to change it so the topics in the portal mainpage are like 10 rows, and then the user can click on "Read full".

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IPB does have a built-in function that might work. Sometimes it can be troublesome so another alternative would be to add div wrap with overflow.


Open Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Portal > articles





Replace With:

{IPSText::truncate( $entry['post'], '2500' )} <a href='{parse url="showtopic={$entry['tid']}" base="public" seotitle="{$entry['title_seo']}" template="showtopic"}'>Read More</a>


Save. Change the number 2500 to adjust how many characters you want to show per topic.

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2. The portal layout can be controlled via the template bit. In Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Portal > skeletonTemplate. Each block will have it's own tag that you need to move around, e.g. here is the online users block.



Hi Michael.

Yes I know that, thank you.


Mine looks like this now:

SKINNOTE: Remember boxes are also in skin_gallery_portal, skin_blog_portal and skin_downloads_external
-The striping doesn't add the proper padding like the board index does
-Poll is kinda ugly
-Print and Email should be icons.  Note that I also used "moderation_bar" class for that row, which isn't necessarily
	semantic, but displays fine - your call on whether to change it
<if test="disablelightbox:|:!$this->settings['disable_lightbox']">
{parse template="include_lightbox" group="global" params=""}
<div id='portal_articles' class='left'>
 <!--END MAIN-->
<div id='index_stats' class='portal left'>
<!-- LEFT -->
 <!--END LEFT-->
{parse template="include_highlighter" group="global" params="1"}
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Resize images
$$('.post', '.poll').each( function(elem){
	ipb.global.findImgs( $( elem ) );


And I have also this mod called, "Create your own sideblocks in portal & forum", and you see the top 2 first there.

How do I decide the order on them? Where can I find them?

I would like it to be like this on the portal side blocks:


1. A box that shows a little forum statistics like:




Users Online now:


2. Recently added posts <!--::show_newest_posts::-->

3. Facebook fan-page block (the one I created myself)

4. Video block (the one I created myself)

5. Newest members <!--::show_newest_members::-->

6. Website poll

7. Top posters

8. Top reputation (shows only in the forum. why?)

9. Latest discussions



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In the description is does say Drag and Drop sorting. My guess is without access to the mod is it's similar to the application sort.


Yes I can, between the blocks that I made in that mod, which are two of them: "Video tip" and "Facebook page".


So, you see in my forum, it is like this:


- board videos

- donate sidebar

- video tip

- Facebook fan-page

- Recent topics added

- Top 5 ranked users


And in my portal, it is like this:


- video tip

- Facebook fan-page

- Online users

- Recently added posts

- Newest members

- Top Posters

- Website poll



Now can you please explain to me, where do I control these sidebars?

If I want these ones to be in BOTH in the forum and in the portal for example:


- Online users (I would love to extend it with this short stats block in the portal: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3777-board-statistics-block/ is it possible?

- Recently added posts

- Facebook fan-page

- Board videos (from the forum sidebar)

- Newest members

- Top posters

- Top 5 ranked users

- donate sidebar (from the forum sidebar)

- video tip

- Website poll


How do I do this?

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Well in the forums, you can use the drag and drop interface that's in the Admin CP > System Tab > Manage Hooks. Next to each hook to the left is an icon you can drag and re-order the hooks. Regarding this custom mod you have, having not used the mod before, I'm not sure where you control them.

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  • 1 year later...

IPB does have a built-in function that might work. Sometimes it can be troublesome so another alternative would be to add div wrap with overflow.


Open Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Portal > articles





Replace With:

{IPSText::truncate( $entry['post'], '2500' )} <a href='{parse url="showtopic={$entry['tid']}" base="public" seotitle="{$entry['title_seo']}" template="showtopic"}'>Read More</a>


Save. Change the number 2500 to adjust how many characters you want to show per topic.


hi Michael,


i try find



i cant see, this is my article:

{parse js_module="topic"}

<div class='ipsBox clear'>


<foreach loop="articles:$articles as $topic">


<div class='ipsBox_container ipsPad'>


<a href='{parse url="showuser={$topic['member_id']}" seotitle="{$topic['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}' class='ipsUserPhotoLink left ipsPad_half'><img src='{$topic['pp_small_photo']}' alt='{$r['members_display_name']} {$this->lang->words['photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_medium' /></a>


<h2 class='ipsType_pagetitle'><a href='{parse url="showtopic={$topic['tid']}" base="public" seotitle="{$topic['title_seo']}" template="showtopic"}'>{$topic['title']}</a></h2>

<div class='desc'>{parse date="$topic['start_date']" format="DATE"}</div><br class='clear' />



<div class='desc ipsType_smaller ipsPad_half'>

{$this->lang->words['posted_by']} <if test="$topic['members_display_name']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$topic"}<else />{$this->settings['guest_name_pre']}{$topic['starter_name']}{$this->settings['guest_name_suf']}</if>

{$this->lang->words['in']} <a href='{parse url="showforum={$topic['id']}" base="public" seotitle="{$topic['name_seo']}" template="showforum"}'>{$topic['name']}</a>



<div class='ipsType_textblock ipsPad'>







<div class='general_box'>

<h3 class='ipsType_smaller'>


<span class='right'>{$topic['share_links']}</span>


{parse format_number="$topic['views']"} {$this->lang->words['views']} ·

{parse format_number="$topic['posts']"} {$this->lang->words['replies']}


<if test="entryHasPosts:|:$topic['posts']">

( {$this->lang->words['last_reply_by']} <if test="entryLastPoster:|:$topic['last_poster_id']"><a href='{parse url="showuser={$topic['last_poster_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$topic['seo_last_name']}" base="public"}'>{$topic['last_poster_name']}</a><else />{$this->settings['guest_name_pre']}{$topic['last_poster_name']}{$this->settings['guest_name_suf']}</if> )








</div><br class='clearfix' />


please help me

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