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Pete T

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Files posted by Pete T

  1. [XPD] It's the Final Countdown

    This is an application that allows you to create multiple countdowns placed around the board at your choice. The type of countdowns can be anything from a global happening, a local gathering with your members or any other kind of events, your sites anniversary, airing of a TV show, or pretty much anything else you would want to count down to.
    Step 1: Upload the application files
    Use your FTP program to upload all files located in the "upload" folder.
    Step 2: Install the Application
    Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Applications & Modules page. "It's the Final Countdown" is at the top right of the page. Click "Install" on the right side
    Step 3: ACP Setup
    Still inside the Admin CP, visit the Other Apps tab -> "It's the Final Countdown", and start adding countdowns!
    Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2 & IP.Board 3.3
    Original Developer : Martin Aronsen



  2. [XPD] Sliding Quick Login v1.3.2

    This hook installs a quick login feature, with most login options available. Click the regular "Sign in" link, and a new panel will slide in from the top.
    Step 1: Upload files
    Upload the files in the "upload" folder. Remember to keep the structure intact!
    Step 2: Import the Hook File
    Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open.
    Compatibility: IP.Board 3.3, IP.Board 3.2, IP.Board 3.1 & IP.Board 3.0
    Original Developer : Martin Aronsen



  3. [MM] Staff Online Sidebar

    Adds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar... Choose your staff usergroup(s) Choose usergroups who can view this Proper intergration with IPB 3.2 styles User Hover Card for usernames (try hovering over someones username on a 3.2 board)
    Upload Hook
    Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open.
    Admin Cp Settings
    Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> System Settings -> Staff Online Sidebar Block. In here you can setup group permission to what staff shows up on sidebar and also what groups see the sidebar.
    Original Developer : John Moss



  4. Search String Tracker

    Tracks Searches On Your IPB Board.



  5. Ban Hammer

    Sends Returning Banned Members To URL Of Your Choosing.



  6. (IT32) Recent News 1.0.1

    Step 1: Hook Installation
    Open the Admin CP > System Tab > Applications & Modules > Manage Hooks page. Navigate to the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse and select the Hook XML file included with these instructions, then click the Install button. Once installed check that the hook is enabled.
    Step 2: Using Hook
    Open the Admin CP > System Tab > System Settings > Hook > Recent News, in here is the off/on setting plus where like news be exported from.



  7. (IT32) Random Member 1.0.1

    Step 1: Hook Installation
    Open the Admin CP > System Tab > Applications & Modules > Manage Hooks page. Navigate to the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse and select the Hook XML file included with these instructions, then click the Install button. Once installed check that the hook is enabled.
    Step 2: Using Hook
    There no setting need for this hook so will work right away.



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