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Square Wheels

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  • IP.Board Version
    IPB 3.4.x

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  1. I'd suggest posting at https://invisioncommunity.com 8.4 is not supported and not even available. Downgrade to 8.0 or 8.1.
  2. Ugh, never mind. I cleared the cache and it displays correctly.
  3. Thanks, purchased and installed. Does it work for forum stats too?
  4. I'm on 4.6. It seems that most numbers are now "shortened" and I really don't like it. Under the member name in posts, yours currently says 4.4k. If I go to your profile, I see 4,375. That's what I want to see everywhere. In my image above, my forum has 1.1m posts. I don't know where to go to see the real count, but I don't want to see 1.1m, I want to see 1,134,577 (or whatever the count is). Does this app do that? If yes, does it work with 4.6? Thanks
  5. Hi, Does this work with 4.6? I am not a fan of the shortening of numbers such as forum stats and the user post count in topics. Does this app reset those issues? Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm using 2.6.1, but it's not making a post. I have the delay turned off. I didn't make any configuration changes after upgrading. Any suggestions? Thanks
  7. Wow, you are really moving through these apps. Will Birthday and Welcome be done soon?
  8. There were only 2 from yesterday, but I had at least a dozen welcome messages. Not sure how to tell if they are from Facebook or Twitter. They all have those long unusual member names like the one I posted above. I don't see them in the banned members list in the ACP.
  9. It's not a banned user (I don't think), I just got about a dozen of these, I turned the application off. Where would I find the spam logs?
  10. Just got a welcome message for what appears to be a guest. Message Link to account Here's another http://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/topic/21483-welcome-699f27599354250ac31e3b302233c4d2/#comment-198157
  11. I believe it has, I haven't seen any recent welcomes aside from this one where they updated their password.
  12. OK, so as I mentioned I have a fairly active site, but not many new people. One person requested a new password today and that triggered the Welcome messages.
  13. Sure thing, I'll give that a try. Thanks
  14. I just checked and it is there. //<?php /** * @package Auto Welcome * @author <a href='http://www.devfuse.com'>DevFuse</a> * @copyright (c) 2015 DevFuse */ class autowelcome_hook_validatehook extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /** * Validate * * @return void */ public function validate() { /* Keep record if email validation */ try { $record = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_validating', array( 'vid=? AND member_id=? AND email_chg=?', \IPS\Request::i()->vid, \IPS\Request::i()->mid, 1 ) )->count(); if( $record ) { \IPS\Data\Store::i()->emailVal = 1; } } catch ( \UnderflowException $e ){} catch ( \RuntimeException $e ){} /* Carry on */ return call_user_func_array( 'parent::validate', func_get_args() ); } }
  15. Sorry to say, but someone changed their email and a welcome message was generated.
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